No @channel

Imagine grabbing a megaphone, shouting ‘EVERYONE LISTEN!' in a crowded office, then realizing you had nothing urgent to say. That's what @channel is.

🚨 Congratulations, you've just pinged 2,845 people. 🚨

Hope it was worth it. Somewhere, right now:

@channel is the nuclear option of Slack. It does not discriminate. It does not hesitate. It pings everyone, whether they care or not. And let's be honest, people don't.

🎺 This was you:

Trumpet Boy

❌ When Is @channel Acceptable?

Never. But fine, let's be reasonable. Here are the only scenarios where it might be justified:

🚀 Better Ways to Communicate

Not everything is an emergency. Here's what to do instead of detonating the @channel bomb:

🛑 Your Redemption Arc

You've sinned. It's okay. We've all done it (not really). Here's how to atone:

@channel is not your personal megaphone. Use it wisely. Or don't, and see how long it takes before your coworkers revolt. Or at least spam your 'Important Announcement' with 🤡.

📢 Testimonials from Real People

🗣️ "I used @channel to remind people about a meeting… now I live in the woods and communicate only with squirrels."
– Former Office Worker

💀 "I thought my message was important. Turns out, it wasn't. Now I'm on every company-wide blocklist."
– Regretful Employee #482

🚫 "HR scheduled a ‘quick chat' after my third @channel in a week. I no longer work there."
– Promoted to Customer

⚠️ "My coworkers staged an intervention. They showed me the unread emails I could have used instead. It was humbling."
– Recovering @channel Addict

This webpage is a meme but the principles behind it are not. Please don't get mad when people get mad at you. 🙏 It was for good reason.